An immunity booster drink that's the best cure for fever, sore throat and cough!!Try this out for sure!!
It's a toughest times of our lives as for about one year we have been fighting against the great pandemic Covid-19 . At this period all we needed was the courage and efforts to fight out this virus mainly by improving our body's immunity and also do simple remedies to face the symptoms of this virus along with the prescription from oru strong health workers. So today am presenting this recipe as from my experience when I had sore throat or fever was really magical even it's with the simple ingredients from our kitchen.
Try this recipe :
Cumin seed
Black pepper
Coriander powder or seeds
Crush ginger, garlic, cumin seeds & black pepper well.
Take some water in a bowl and add tulsi, coriander powder into it.
Then add the remaining crushed ingredients into the water in the bowl.
Mix them and boil it well.
Drink it hot in alternative intervals.
Nutritional facts
Tulsi can improve immunity and fight against infection due to its rejuvenating property.
Garlic has antiseptic properties that is helpful for bacterial infection,relieve sore throat pain. When crushed, raw releases allicin that has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.
The cumin seeds help to soothe inflamed muscles and boost immunity .
Black pepper is rich with vitamin C naturally boosts the immunity and is an antibiotic.
Ginger have antimicrobial properties fight bacterial or viral infection that cause sore throats
Coriander seeds have antioxidant, antimicrobial and detoxifying properties.
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