Richness filled Magical Salad Recipe for a healthy diet!!

Bursting with nutritious ingredients , delicious flavour &  texture healthy Salad is one of best to be included in our daily lives. Salad is a term derived from Latin word 'sal', meaning salt as this was choosen in ancient times  as salt is main ingredient in the dressing. In historical times some agress that salad began to be in the menu during 20 th century,World War l whereas some suggest that it was named after King Louis XIV as he was known for his enormous amount of food he could eat.

So today's recipe is a special healthy Salad that gives the mixed flavours of sourness,spicyness and sweetness that makes your day fresh. This salad is a mixture of implements needed for our body that provides us with high nutritional supplements. Every single ingredient in this salad have very beneficial roles ,so it will be a best choice for our kids too.

Healthy vegetable Salad Recipe:


Tomato - 2

Onion - 2 

Cucumber - 1

Capsicum - 1 

Coconut ( Half)

Green chillies -  2 

Lemon - 1 


Coriander leaves 

Pomegranate - 1


Wash all the ingredients well

Extract ginger juice & lemon juice in a bowl .

Grate the coconut & extract the thick coconut milk.

Finely chop all the other ingredients .

Now take a bowl ,mix all the finely chopped ingredients well.

Then add ginger juice, lemon juice ,coconut milk and salt into it .

At last add some pomegranate  for some sweetness.

Stir them countinosly and server .

Nutritional facts :

Cucumber are good for hydration, detoxification,regulates blood pressure,good for skin & hair ,rich in vitamins & minerals

Lemon is rich in vitamin C that strengthen the immune system which is an immunity booster.

Pomegranate is filled with vitamin A,C ,E & folic acid and high amount of antioxidant, antiviral,anti tumor & anti inflammatory properties.

Ginger is loaded with antioxidant that prevents stress, promote healthy aging, helps to fight chronic diseases.

Capsicum is rich source of Vitamin A,C , E B6 and folate as well as have rich dietary fibers.

Tomato  helps to fight risk of heart diseases and cancer .It is filled with Vitamin C , potassium and folate.

Onion have antibacterial properties ,helps to promote digestion , improve heart health ,rich in vitamin and antioxidants.
